RTD Bus Route Access Policy
RTD Bus Route Access Policy
RTD operates 172 Bus Routes throughout the District with approximately 80 Park-n-Rides and 9,077 bus stops. Construction projects in local jurisdiction streets can impact bus routes and can cause safety hazards to passengers. RTD places passenger safety and service reliability at the highest importance. Work must be coordinated with RTD Bus Operations anytime:
- Work risks impact to bus routes, Park-n-Rides or bus stops
- Work is to be performed by contractors on, across, above, or below any RTD Bus Facility
- Work is being performed by maintenance/engineering that may impact RTD passengers from safely accessing Bus Facilities
- Work requires a temporary short-term or long-term relocation of a Bus stop or Bus route.
Contact RTD Bus Operations:
Email: Timothy.Lucero@smxjjl.com
Phone: 303-299-6928